金融時報 Financial Times焦點:Crypto HK在蓬勃發展的場外交易市場中的崛起

財經時報近期刊登了一篇關於Crypto HK的報導,突顯了我們在激增的場外交易(OTC)市場中的地位。報導中提及,在中港兩地完全重新開放共享邊界之前,來自內地的客戶佔我們客戶的“不到5%”。然而,自那時以來,這一比例已經“增加到大約一半”。此變化反映了香港作為數字資產交易樞紐的吸引力,以及我們在為客戶提供簡易且合規的加密貨幣交易方案中所擔當的重要角色。

在香港力爭成為虛擬資產交易中心的同時,Crypto HK繼續致力於為我們的客戶提供安全、便捷的交易服務,並期待在未來的數字貨幣交易領域中取得更多成就。

詳情請見金融時報 (只有英文版)

The Financial Times recently featured Crypto HK, highlighting our position in the burgeoning over-the-counter (OTC) market. The article mentioned that before China and Hong Kong fully reopened their shared border, mainland Chinese customers constituted "under 5 per cent" of our clientele. However, since then, this figure has "increased to about half." This change reflects the appeal of Hong Kong as a digital assets trading hub and our crucial role in offering simplified and compliant cryptocurrency transaction solutions to our customers.

As Hong Kong strives to become a virtual assets trading hub, Crypto HK continues to provide secure and convenient trading services to our clients, and looks forward to achieving more in the future of digital currency trading.

Please refer to the link for full article at Financial Times.

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